Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Genetic Diseases related to Advanced Paternal Age

Genetic Diseases related to Advanced Paternal Age


Table II. Long-term effects of paternal ageing on offspring from table on page 2373 of Long –term effects of delayed parenthood by J.J. Tarin, J. Brines, and A. Cano

Dominant disorders
Wilms tumour, thanatophoric dysplasia, retinitis pigmentosa, osteogenisis imperfecta type IIA, acrodysostosis, achondroplasia, Apert’s disease, fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, aniridia, bilateral retinoblastoma, multiple exostoses, Marfan’s, Lesch-Nyan’s, Pfeiffer’s, Wardenburg’s, Treacher-Collins, Soto’s, and Crouzon’s syndromes, basel cell nevus, cleidocranial dysostosis, polyposis coli, oculodentodigital syndrome, Costello syndrome , progeria, Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis and renal polycystic kidney disease.

X-linked recessive diseases
Haemophilia A and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

Non-cytogenetic congential defects
Congential cataracts, reduction defects of the upper limb, nasal aplasia, pulmonic and urethtal stenosis, perauricular cyst, cleft palate,1 neural tube defects

Athetoid /dystonic cerebral palsy and congenital hemiplegia

Psychotic disorders

Decreased learning capacity and/or mental retardation

Moreover, (i) the activities of antioxidant enzymes within the seminal plasma and spermatozoa from older men may be reduced and so spermatozoa may be more vulnerable to mutational changes than spermatozoa from younger men; and (ii) late spermatids, and immature and mature spermatozoa do not have a DNA repair system.

posted by concerned heart at 8:37 PM | 0 comments
Labels: basal cell nevus, disease, Marfan's, neurofibromatosis, progeria, renal polycystic kidney

posted by concerned heart @ 11:20 PM 0 Comments

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Paternal Age Effect and Disorders Known in 1999

Table II. Long-term effects of paternal ageing on offspring from table on page 2373 of Long –term effects of delayed parenthood by J.J. Tarin, J. Brines, and A. Cano

Dominant disorders
Wilms tumour, thanatophoric dysplasia, retinitis pigmentosa, osteogenisis imperfecta type IIA, acrodysostosis, achondroplasia, Apert’s disease, fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, aniridia, bilateral retinoblastoma, multiple exostoses, Marfan’s, Lesch-Nyan’s, Pfeiffer’s, Wardenburg’s, Treacher-Collins, Soto’s, and Crouzon’s syndromes, basel cell nevus, cleidocranial dysostosis, polyposis coli, oculodentodigital syndrome, Costello syndrome , progeria, Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis and renal polycystic kidney disease.

X-linked recessive diseases
Haemophilia A and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy

Non-cytogenetic congential defects
Congential cataracts, reduction defects of the upper limb, nasal aplasia, pulmonic and urethtal stenosis, perauricular cyst, cleft palate,1 neural tube defects

Athetoid /dystonic cerebral palsy and congenital hemiplegia

Psychotic disorders

Decreased learning capacity and/or mental retardation


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