Biological clock ticks for men as well
Biological clock ticks for men as well
By Jenifer Goodwin (Contact) Union-Tribune Staff Writer
8:00 a.m. April 24, 2009
Ever since women began putting off childbearing to go to college and build careers, they've had to face a cold, hard truth. A growing body of research is showing that men have a biological clock, too. - JupiterimagesEver since women began putting off childbearing, they've had to face the harsh truth that there are only so many years they can have babies.
If a woman dares wait until age 35, she's declared “advanced maternal age” and told about the increased risk of having a baby with certain genetic conditions.
As it turns out, a growing body of research is showing that men have a biological clock, too.
The children of older fathers scored lower than the offspring of younger fathers on IQ tests and other cognitive measures at 8 months old, 4 years old and 7 years old, according to results of a study released in March.
Men who becomes fathers in their 40s or older are more than 1.5 times more likely to father children who are autistic, according to a 2006 study.
Other research has shown increased risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the children of older fathers, and that the risk of miscarriage rises with the father's age.
“Men are in denial,” said Dr. Harry Fisch, an expert on male infertility and author of the 2005 book “The Male Biological Clock.” “Men think as they age, they get better or more distinguished. As men get older, they get older.”
Scientists knew for years before the highly publicized autism and IQ studies that the children of older fathers were at higher risk of certain rare genetic conditions, such as dwarfism, Fisch said.
Yet outside of the science realm, few paid much attention.
Men were operating under the mistaken belief that since they generated new sperm every day, they could have children well into old age with no added risk.
What was missing from the equation was that even new sperm made by an older man is more prone to genetic defects. “As the body ages, there is no reason to think why these sperm cells wouldn't age too,” Fisch said.
So what should men do with the information?
Plenty of older dads father healthy, intelligent children. Still, men should consider the potential consequences of putting off childbearing, Fisch said.
The older both spouses are, the greater the chance they will have fertility problems, he said. “People need to know this information for family planning.”
Jenifer Goodwin: (760) 476-8210; (Contact)
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