Monday, September 28, 2009


The "GREAT CULLING"Set to Begin:
1-2 Swine Flu Sucker Punch:
1. "Live Virus" Nasal Vaccine Starts Pandemic
2. Forced Squalene-Adjuvanted Vaccines End Reproductive Capacity, Sicken, May Kill 90%of Population
Special Message from General Bert:
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) Natural Solutions Foundation President
Dear Health Freedom Lover,
Natural Solutions Foundation has never had a more urgent message for you.
Forced Vaccination - of any type - is a disease of the Body Politic. Swine Flu Vaccination is a lethal one.
The H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines have been specifically prepared to cause wide-spread infertility and profound illness: You need to know this information AND you need to become a health advocate for yourself and your community NOW. We have little time.
Let's begin with the basics:
Sucker Punch 1:
Create the Pandemic
1. The first type of vaccine "ready" for distribution is a Live Attenuated Influenza Virus (LAIV) vaccine. administered by the nasal route. LAIVs are particularly dangerous both to the person who takes them AND to those around them. These vaccines cause people to shed the virus to others and infect them. The virus is then able to reassort or mutate as the infected persons (who may be too young to have any idea what is happening) go about spreading the virus into a varied community of friends, neighbors, family members, playmates, people on the subway, anyone.
People like young children, pregnant mothers, people on immunosuppressive drugs and others are told that they should avoid the live virus, yet it will be disseminated into those very populations with no controls or protections since pregnant women, children, First Responders, health care professionals and people with chronic diseases will receive this "first wave" of LAIVs.
What does that mean in detail? Please click here,, to read more.
Sucker Punch 2:
Cull the Population While You Kill the Next Generation
2. In addition to what we already know about the squalene adjuvant and its ability to cripple and kill through powerful auto immune mechanismswhen injected, there is another, deeply shocking reason that the amount of squalene and squalene derivitives (called MF59, AS01, AS02, AS03, AS04, MLP, etc.) to be used in the coming mass vaccination is so insanely high when just a few molecules in the injection can wreak lifeling havoc.
A patent was filed in 1998 for a vaccine which causes permanent infertility when injected. When combined, the materials which cause sterility are a highly active immune irritant (an adjuvant) like squalene in very high doses and a porcine (pig) glycoprotein. Put them together in an injection and not only do you have auto immune consequences like death, or for those who do not die, crippling rheumatoid arthritis, Lou Gehrig's Disease, destruction of the muscles, diabetes, disabling rashes, mental and neurological problems a-plenty, but you have a population of infertile men women and children.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Fertility: women aren't to blame any more

Fertility: women aren't to blame any morePosted:
wnRenderDate('Friday, September 25, 2009 6:51 PM EST', '', true);

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Doctor travels from New York once a month to help with male fertility2:25
Live 5 News Headlines

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - When it comes to getting pregnant, many times fertility problems are blamed on the woman, but medical experts say 40 percent of the time the problem is with the man.
"Men are in denial, denial, denial, when it comes to fertility and sexual function," Dr. Harry Fisch said. Fisch says that denial often results in couples blaming the woman's body and prematurely trying extreme measures.
"If In Vitro Fertilization was a drug it probably would not be approved by the FDA because there's no long term data," Fisch said.
In fact, Fisch says more than 40 percent of fertility problems are caused by the man -- namely a low sperm count.
But there are ways you can increase that count, like increasing l-arginine, an amino-acid in your diet. "Soy, oats, blueberries, salmon, and tuna are high in l-arginine," Fisch said.
And keep in mind, biological clocks aren't just for women. "There is a male biological clock and after 30 that clock starts ticking," he said.
And while we've all heard of men in their later years reproducing, Fisch doesn't recommend it. "Turns out sperm from older men have a much larger chance of having babies with genetic problems. We know autism, downs syndrome, schizophrenia increases with the paternal father's age," Fisch said.
So how can you slow down your biological clock? Slow down your drinking.
"Two drinks a day is the max I recommend, if you're trying to have a child I don't recommend that much," Fisch said.
And when it comes to your belly, size does matter. "If you've got a beer gut, you're out acting like you're macho but when no one's looking you're tired, and fatigued," Fisch said.
And your sperm count is lower. Fisch also recommends couples coupling every other day. The longer sperm stays in a man's system the lower the sperm's mobility.
Even if you're not trying to get pregnant, you still need to pay attention. "The penis is the dipstick of the body's health so anything you do to increase vascular health will go to helping your penis," Fisch said.
Since sexual dysfunction can show up 3-5 years before heart disease, it's like the canary in the coal mine for a man's body.
Dr. Fisch is the only male fertility expert in the state and he doesn't even live here. He flies down from New York once a month. He says that's because the focus has been on the female factor, but MUSC wants to change that, so Fisch is teaching students about the role the man plays.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Is gestation in Prader-Willi syndrome affected by the genetic subtype?

Is gestation in Prader-Willi syndrome affected by the genetic subtype?
Butler MG, Sturich J, Myers SE, Gold JA, Kimonis V, Driscoll DJ.
Departments of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences and Pediatrics, Kansas University Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., MS4015, Kansas City, KS, 66160, USA,
BACKGROUND: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic disorder with errors in genomic imprinting, generally due to a paternal deletion of chromosome 15q11-q13 region. Maternal disomy 15 (both 15s from the mother) is the second most common form of PWS resulting from a trisomic zygote followed by trisomy rescue in early pregnancy and loss of the paternal chromosome 15. However, trisomy 15 or mosaicism for trisomy 15 may be present in the placenta possibly leading to placental abnormalities affecting gestational age and delivery. METHODS AND SUBJECTS: We examined growth and gestational data from 167 PWS infants (93 males and 74 females; 105 infants with 15q11-q13 deletion and 62 infants with maternal disomy 15) to determine if there are differences in gestation between the two genetic subtypes. RESULTS: No significant differences in growth data (birth weight, length, head circumference) or average gestational ages were found between the two genetic subgroups. However, post-term deliveries (> 42 weeks gestation) were more common in the maternal disomy group (i.e., 12 of 62 infants) compared with the deletion group (i.e., 7 of 105 infants) (chi-square test = 6.22; p < 0.02). The distribution of gestational ages in the 15q11-q13 deletion group was more bell-shaped or normal while the distribution in the maternal disomy group suggested a bimodal pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal disomy 15 in PWS may contribute to disturbances in gestational age and delivery by impacting on placental structure or function secondary to the abnormal chromosomal number in the placental cells or in mechanisms leading to the maternal disomy status in PWS infants.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

I would advise young men and women not to delay getting married and having children.

Fertility in women drops dramatically with age, and older mothers run the risk of having offspring with congenital abnormalities.Recent studies show also that advanced paternal age is associated with an increased risk of neuro developmental disorders in offspring, such as autism and schizophrenia, not to mention dyslexia and a subtle reduction in intelligence. Men can also suffer from diminished fertility with age although there is wide individual variation.

I would advise young men and women not to delay getting married and having children. I say this not to be politically correct. I say it in all sincerity because I have enjoyed a happy family life as a daughter and a sister, and I see both my brothers enjoying their own families.

Dr Lee Wei Ling
The writer is director of the National Neuroscience Institute.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

Older Men with Tired Sperm: Health Blog

Older Men with Tired Sperm: Health Blog
For a while now, scientists have known that men lose fertility as they age just as fast as women do — even faster, in fact. Women start heading “over the hill” reproductively at around age 30, but men begin the decline a full six years earlier, by age 24. Plus, studies have shown that older men stand a higher chance of fathering babies with autism, dwarfism, and schizophrenia. So much for the stereotype of the virile codger being a suitable match for the fertile young coed. In fact, several Israeli studies found that the likelihood of autism increases by almost 600 percent when the father is over 40 (immunization shots aside), while the risk of schizophrenia doubles.
And now, in a further blow to the macho dream, a new study of 80,000 people by researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden has found that once men reach age 29, their chances of fathering a bipolar child increase by 11 percent. That risk climbs by 37 percent by the time men reach age 55, when compared to men still in their 20s. And bipolar illness tends to have an earlier onset in children of older fathers: those born to dads over age 55 are twice as likely to develop manic-depressive illness before their 20th birthday. In contrast, maternal age doesn’t seem to be much of a factor in the development of the disease.
Historically, scientists have pointed to the correlation between maternal age and birth defects, while men have been comparatively left “off the hook.” The role of women in contributing to fertility and fetal problems seems more obvious. Women carry their eggs around for a long time before they conceive — they have all their eggs at birth (no new eggs are ever created again in their lifetime), and those eggs degrade over time due to biological stresses and environmental factors. But men keep producing new sperm throughout their lives. Until recently, the assumption has been that new sperm is fresh and healthy because it is new, even if it comes from an older man. Not so, the evidence shows because sperm production involves duplicating DNA, and as men age, their ability to accurately replicate DNA declines. This results in DNA copy errors, and the mutated DNA can lead to a host of complications.
One of the most surprising of the complications is that older sperm contributes to miscarriages. A study out of the University of California, Berkeley, found that the sperm of men aged 40-49 was twice as likely to have DNA fragmentation as the sperm of men in their 20s — possibly leading to spontaneous abortion. Given that it’s almost a universal assumption that “something is wrong with the woman” when she suffers multiple miscarriages, this fact comes as a revelation that may take some of the pressure off of prospective moms.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Mens' biological clocks are ticking, too By Dr. Tom Keenan, For The Calgary Herald


Still, for most of us, baby making is a game best played by the young. A study of more than 12,000 couples treated at the Eylau Centre for Assisted Reproduction in Paris found a man's fertility drops off in his late 30s and plummets after 40. The researchers also found if the father was over the age of 44, almost a third of the pregnancies ended in miscarriage.

They attribute this at least in part to a kind of "sperm decay," marked by DNA fragmentation and other abnormalities. Unlike women, who are born with all their eggs, men do not make any sperm until they reach puberty. Then we make up for it by generating up to 100 million new ones per day. Because of all this sperm-copying, mutations can accumulate with age.

Writing on,fertility specialist Dr. Carl Herbert likens the process to photocopying a cake recipe over and over until the "3 cups of flour" looks like "2 cups" and the recipe doesn't work any more.

"These subtle copying defects cause a long list of diseases in the children of older fathers," he writes. "Lesch Nyhan syndrome, polycystic kidney disease and hemophilia A are among the most well known. For fathers over age 40, the risk of having a child with a disease-causing mutation is similar to the risk the mother has for a child with Down syndrome." Other factors, ranging from high or low body weight to diabetes, can also adversely affect sperm quality....
